Thank you for saving my life.
On the morning of July 5th, 2020, My wife and I came to your clinic for a scheduled COVID -19 test.
After l entered the clinic, you told my wife that she was going to need to take me to the emergency room, as soon as possible. You gave us both the COVlD19 test and emphasized to my wife that it was imperative that l get medical attention immediately.
My wife followed your doctor’s orders. l was in the emergency room by noon, retested... positive, and admitted.
My wife received her COVlD -19 test results (negative) two days, later. And my original test was positive (again).
lf I had waited two days later, my recovery would have been extensive if I recovered at all. My hospital stay was two weeks with plasma and Remdesivir treatments. My Oxygen saturation Rate stayed barely about 70 yo. Five weeks later, I had a chance to see the x-rays of my covid-19 infected lungs. l can only describe them as frightening.
If I had waited two more days for the initial test results, I fear what my fate might have been.
Words cannot express my appreciation on how thankful and how grateful I am for your COVlD medical knowledge and professionalism. Dr. Zompa, Thank You again for saving my life.